Trinidadian Deep / Light Work Productions - EP IV [予約商品]

【こちらは発売前の予約商品です。発送および店舗でのお受け取りは実際に入荷してからとなりますのでご了承ください】 Trinidadian Deep is once again back on Neroli [his 8th contribution since 2012], this time joined by Chicago’s Light Work Productions. ‘Orisha Stomp’ (Rework) is a fierce percussive and pulsating jam while ‘Italo Disco’ is a relentless melodic builder. On the flipside ‘U R Loved’ closes the record with its trance inducting romantic vibes! Deep! 【2025年2月後半入荷予定】

Artist: Trinidadian Deep / Light Work Productions
Title: EP IV
Label: Neroli
Format: 12"

A1: Trinidadian Deep - Orisha Stomp (Rework)
A2: Light Work Productions - Italo Disco
B1: Trinidadian Deep - U Are Loved

販売価格 2,600円(税込)
型番 NERO063